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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
on behalf of The greenhouse university of The Limited Society "Patent"
conducts educational activity on preparation and retraining of experts on trades:

  • Typology of greenhouses
  • Legal regulation of greenhouse activity:
    - The greenhouse code of the Russian Federation;
    - Norms of technological designing greenhouses and greenhouse combines for cultivation
    - Vegetables and seedling NGP 10-95;
    - Selection complexes and reproductive greenhouses NGT-APC;
  • Technology of cultivation of ñåÿíöåâ, and adult crop by a method of multistoried narrowshelving hydroponics;
  • Technology of year-round cultivation of crop of tomatoes, a cucumber, pepper, wild strawberry at an intense photoculture.
  • Engineering systems and the equipment:
    - Light engineering, the lighting equipment of seedling and lighting branches of greenhouses: block on typical projects. 810-45, 810-56, 810-56/73, 810-73, 810-98, 810-1.12.86, 810-1.13.86; hangar on typical projects 810-24, 810-25, 810-26,810-78, 810-95;
    - Heating of greenhouses: block on typical projects. 810-45, 810-56, 810-56/73, 810-73, 810-98, 810-1.12.86, 810-1.13.86; hangar on typical projects 810-24, 810-25, 810-26, 810-78, 810-95;
    - Engeeniring maintenance of multistoried narrowshelving hydroponics (pluristratal installations, solution assemblies, screens, lighting systems, automatics) in reconstructed greenhouses.
  • Buildings, structures, building designs of greenhouses: block on typical projects 810-45, 810-56, 810-56/73, 810-73, 810-98,810-1.12.86, 810-1.13.86; hangar on typical projects 810-24, 810-25, 810-26, 810-78, 810-95
  • Designing of greenhouses and greenhouse complexes:
    - The standard project ¹ 810-1-42.03 "Block of greenhouses G-100À of all-year-round utilization, the area of 6 hà for cultivation of plants by a method of multistoried narrowshelving hydroponics";
    - The combined reconstruction and new permanent construction øåñòèãåêòàðíîãî the block of greenhouses of the second generation with productivity of 120-150 kg / sq. m annually without a breeding from a revolution of capacities;
    - Light-tight greenhouses with productivity up to 900 kg / sq. m annually for areas of the Central Russia, Zapolarye and Far North;
  • Economy of greenhouse manufacture.
  • "Program" intended for chiefs of the greenhouse enterprises, chief agronomists, chief engineers, chiefs of separate services, control blocks, engineers, agriculturists, post-graduate students, students, gardeners - fans.
  • Teaching is conducted by key personnel in range of a greenhouse vegetable raising of Russia.
  • Under applications of organizations and private persons the individual rate can be prepared.

302001, Russian Federation, Orel, board service 73
Tel. (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48, (4862) 74-71-10
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