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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom" suggests dear visitors of a site to get a cash on delivery just the published textbook for the high schools
"Technologies of financing, energy-saving, cultivation and constructions in the protected ground of Russia". Authors of the textbook - Cand. Sci. Tech. Tamara Sharupich, Dr. Sci. Tech, academician of the Moskow Academy of the Economical Sciences Vadim Sharupich, the president of industrially-financial group "Barkol" Andrew Barkov, vice-president of industrially-financial group "Barkol" Anatoly Kiselyov. Reviewers: Dr.Sci.Tech., professor V. Karpov, Doctor of Economics, professor Sadkov V.
276 pages, il.

In the book have found reflection existing and perspective technologies of cultivation of plants, energy-saving and the financings, providing having dug branches of greenhouses of Russia. The comparative analysis of classical technologies is given, advantages of multistored narrowshelving hydroponics, as bases of the future greenhouses are shown. Ways of realization of a new direction are shown.
The textbook is intended for teachers, post-graduate students, students, experts of branch of greenhouse vegetable growing, designers, the science officers, engaged by development, researches, designing of intensive technological processes of cultivation of agricultural crops in greenhouses, energy-saving and financing.

In publishing house "Grad-RITZ" of the research and a project institute "Gradoagroecoprom" have left following books:

The textbook for the high schools "Immortalities". The author - Dr.Sci.Tech., academician of the Moskow Academy of the Economical Sciences Vadim Sharupich. Reviewers: Dr.Sci.Biol., professor A. Tikhomirov, the doctor of medical sciences, professor V. Dorofeyev, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor V. Karpov. 888 pages, il.

In the book have found reflection perspective technologies of cultivation of the intellectual fiber made up to 350 cycles for a human-turn, providing having dug branches of health creation and longevity.
It is given comparative phaseperiodical and planet-prognostic analysis of life expectancy of the earthmen, showing to an opportunity of prospective technologies as bases of the modern and the future health-creation and longevity.
The individual and general questions, concerning Immortality of the Person, Immortality of Settlements and Immortality of Mankind are considered. Ways of realization of new directions are shown.

The textbook is intended for teachers, post-graduate students, students, experts of branch of health creation, rural, city, industrial construction, designers, the science officers, engaged by development, researches, designing of intensive technologically new methods of cultivation of intellectual, animal and vegetative fiber.


The textbook for the high schools "Intellectual investment branch banks of Russia". Authors - the general director of Limited Society "Patent" Paul Sharupich, Dr.Sci.Tech., academician of the Moskow Academy of the Economical Sciences Vadim Sharupich, Cand.Tech.Sci., senior scientific employee Tamara Sharupich, the assistant to the general director of Limited Society "Patent", director of representation in the USA Serge Sharupich. The reviewer: Doctor of Economics, professor V. Sadkov. 836 pages, il.

The manual includes mechanisms of the organization and realization of job of Intellectual Investment Branch bank and documents for registration.
The textbook is intended for teachers, post-graduate students, students economic, financial and faculties of law, experts in the field of a banking, heads of the ministries, departments, departments, the organizations, lawyers, workers of exchequer, tax bodies, the credit organizations.


The textbook for high schools "The technologies of financing, energy-saving, growing and construction in cultivation facilities with the multistoreyed narrowshelving hydroponics". Authors - the assistant to the general director of Limited Society " Patent ", director of representation in the USA Serge Sharupich, the general director of Limited Society "Patent" Paul Sharupich, Dr.Sci.Tech., academician of the Moskow Academy of the Economical Sciences Vadim Sharupich, Cand.Tech.Sci., senior scientific employee Tamara Sharupich. Reviewers: Doctor of Economics, professor V. Sadkov, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor V. Karpov, 448 pages, il.

In the book have found reflection existing and perspective technologies of cultivation of plants, energy-saving, constructions and the financings, providing having dug branches of greengouses of Russia.
The comparative analysis of classical technologies is given, advantages of multistored narrowshelving hydroponics, as bases of the future greenhouses are shown. Ways of realization of a new direction are shown. The resulted business-plans of construction of cultivation facilities with the multistoreyed narrowshelving hydroponics.

The textbook is intended for teachers, post-graduate students, students, experts of branch of greenhouse vegetable growing, designers, the science officers, engaged by development, researches, designing of intensive technological processes of cultivation of agricultural crops in greenhouses, energy-saving, building and financing.

The textbook for the high schools "The formation and realization of intellectual property by the regional branch venture industrially-financial group". Authors of the textbook - Dr.Sci.Tech., academician of the Moskow Academy of the Economical Sciences Vadim Sharupich, Cand.Tech.Sci. Tamara Sharupich, the president of industrially-financial group "Barkol" Andrew Barkov, vice-president of industrially-financial group "Barkol" Anatoly Kiselyov, 98 ñòð. èë.

The textbook includes the description of mechanisms of formation of intellectual property, is intended for heads of the ministries, departments, departments, the organizations, lawyers, workers of exchequer, tax bodies, and also post-graduate students and teachers economic, financial and faculties of law.


The textbook for the high schools "The economy of construction and operation of greenhouse combines and cultivation facilities with with the multistoreyed narrowshelving hydroponics. The business-plans, the leasing, the bank credit". The author - Dr.Sci.Tech., academician of the Moskow Academy of the Economical Sciences Vadim Sharupich. The reviewer - Doctor of Economics, professor V. Sadkov., 220 pages, il.

The textbook is intended for the experts of branch of greenhouse vegetable growing, designers, science officers, post-graduate students and the students, engage by development, researches, designing of intensive technological processes of cultivation of agricultural crops in greenhouses, energy-saving and financing.



The manual for the high schools "Energy and resource caretaking and an intensification of the production process in the branch of the protected ground". The author - Cand.Tech.Sci., senior scientific employee Tamara Sharupich. The reviewer - Dr.Sci.Tech., professor V. Karpov, 172 pages, il.

In the book have found reflection methods of scientifically proved light management production process, technology, organizational structures of the engineering equipment and protecting designs of the cultivate constructions.
The analytical tool of the practical decision of problems on energy and resource caretaking at a level of mainframes of Uniform System of maintenance of a radiating mode of constructions of an artificial climate is given.

The textbook is intended for teachers, post-graduate students, students, experts of branch of the protected ground, engaged by development by researches, designing of intensive technological processes, energy-saving, construction.


The textbook for the high schools "Legal regulation of an agrarian complex of the Russian Federation: problems and ways of their decision". The author - Dr.Sci.Tech., academician of the Moskow Academy of the Economical Sciences Vadim Sharupich. The reviewers: Doctor of jurisprudence, professor R. Makuev R.H., Doctor of Economics, professor V. Sadkov, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor V. Karpov, 228 pages, il.

Historical genesis of development of the legislation in agriculture of the Russian Federation during 1917-2005, a modern status of the legislation in agrarian and industrial complex of the Russian Federation, its feature, a problematics of the agroindustrial legislation is shown.
The big attention is given to regulation of hothouse activity in branch of the protected ground of agriculture of the Russian Federation, the bill "The Greenhouse Code of the Russian Federation", adjusting legal relations in branch of the protected ground of the Russian Federation is resulted.
For heads of the ministries, departments, departments, the organizations, lawyers, workers of exchequer, tax bodies, and also post-graduate students and teachers economic, financial and faculties of law.

RPI "Gradoagroecoprom" of the Limited Society "Patent " suggests on commercial terms:

1. Intellectual property in the form of securities for realization of financial circuits and seating in authorized capital banks, the enterprises, societies in size up to $ 500 million.

2. Permanent intellectual-property returnable leasing.

The association "The Greenhouses of the Future Russia ":

1. Invites to cooperation factories-manufacturers, the enterprises, scientific and educational institutions, the selection companies and establishments, greenhouse combines and private greenhouse facilities.

2. Invites to individual and group seminars, training courses, in absentia postgraduate study of experts and heads of factories-manufacturers, the enterprises, scientific and educational institutions, the selection companies and establishments, greenhouse combines and private greenhouse facilities.


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