branch investment greenhouse bank:
- is a form of protection;
- is
a form of the grant;
- is a form of internal self-financing of reconstruction
and new construction of branch of a protected ground of Russia;
- is a realization
of innovational technologies in the field of financing, ýíåðãîñáåðåæåíèÿ, cultivation
and construction;
- is a support of new scientific directions.
The branch of a protected ground is one of leading branches of agrarian and
industrial complex on manufacture of vitaminic production of Russia. The branch
has the automized greenhouses on manufacturing of ecologically safe vegetable
production. The branch has the intellectual property on the sum of $570 million
(the certificate ¹ ÎÎÍÕ486 from 01.01.2000, it is given to limited society "Patent"
by The Institute of Certification and an Estimation of the Intellectual Property
and Business). The intellectual property of branch can be used as an authorized
capital and circulating assets of bank of Open Society "InvestTepBank"
for financing reconstruction and construction of new greenhouse complexes with
intensive technology.
The working capital of Open Society "InvestTepBank" is used for an intensive
introduction of intensive technologies in the financial, power, engineering -
technological, building and personnel market of branch of a protected ground of
It is a unique possibility when the intellectual property can be used
as an authorized capital and circulating assets of Open Society "InvestTepBank"
for financing reconstruction and new directions in branch.
Open Society "InvestTepBank" is placed in Orel on the basis of the branch
centre of the intellectual property of limited society "Patent".
Receiving credits in the bill form, in the form of State Intellectual Bonds (SIB),
State Intellectual Certificates (SIC) or disposition of the capital in the form
of joint-stock sharing{participation}, is realized when due hereunder by association
"The greenhouses of the Future Russia ", limited society "Patent",
IFG "Barkol", RPI "Gradoagroecoprom" together with Board of
directors of Open Society " ÈíâåñòÒåïÁàíêà ".
The organizational - structural pattern of investment greenhouse bank of Russia
is indicated in figure 1.
Individual share of shareholders in an authorized capital of investment greenhouse
bank of Russia is indicated in the By-law of the bank.
3. The shareholders of investment greenhouse bank of Russia
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation - management at a federal
The branch association "The greenhouses of the Future Russia " - the
organizer of the branch financial and engineering - technological market ïðîðûâíûõ
The branch centre of the intellectual property of limited society "Patent"
- a source of the intellectual capital and the mechanism of financing.
The branch industrial - financial group IFG " Áàðêîëü " - a source of
the banking capital.
The branch leading research institute "Gradoagroecoprom" - the general
designer, the general developer, a prime contractor.
Leading greenhouse combines - regional financial, power, personnel and engineering
- technological sources of intensive technologies.

1. The organizational - structural pattern of investment greenhouse bank
The ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;
2. The branch centre
of the intellectual property;
3. The branch open joint-stock company;
4. The Branch industrial - financial group;
5. The branch leading research
6. Leading greenhouse vegetable combines;
7. The Branch association.
The legislative and normative base
realization of the program of creation of Open Society "InvestTepBank",
the limited society "Patent" together with RPI "Gradoahroecoprom",
IFG "Barkol", institute of "Business and legal" of OSTU are
The parcel of constituent instruments of bank.
The decree of Government of the Russian Federation:
The decree of Government of the Russian Federation "About measures on engaging
an additional means for financing intensive researches and development on the
basis of involving, in economic circulation of objects of the intellectual property".
4.2.2. The decree of Government of the Russian Federation "About creation
of investment greenhouse bank of Russia".
4.2.3. The decree of Government
Russian Federation "About creation of venture intellectual fund of branch
of a greenhouse vegetable raising of Russia".
4.2.4. The decree of Government
of the Russian Federation "About measures on increase in financing of research
and developmental works in agriculture on the basis of involving in economic circulation
of objects of the intellectual property".
4.2.5. The decree of Government
of the Russian Federation "About financing reconstruction of greenhouse combines".
4.2.6. The decree of Government of the Russian Federation "About measures
on power supply the enterprise of branch of a protected ground".
The decree of Government of the Russian Federation "About measures on increase
in financing of research and developmental works in agriculture".
The order of the Central bank of the Russian Federation "About creation of
intellectual investment greenhouse bank of Russia of Open Society "InvestTepBank".
The parcel of the recommendational literature:
A market board of restraint of branch of a protected ground of Russia.
Technologies of financing, energy-saving, cultivation and constructions in the
protected ground of Russia.
4.3.3. Realization of the intellectual property
in modern economic conditions in Russia.
4.3.4. Realization of the intellectual
property in modern economic conditions at the enterprises and in organizations
of Russia (the general agreement on mutually advantageous cooperation with the
purposes of financing leasing but the credit license-bill circuit of manufacture
and realization of production)
4.3.5. Sale of the intellectual property.
The parcel of normative documents on corporate valuable papers on the security
of the intellectual property of provisions and orders on their introduction in
a revolution:
The order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation "About
enactment of the instruction" About the order of issue, maintenance, the
circulation, the account of settlement of greenhouse bills of limited society
"Patent" in a branch of a protected ground and the allied industries
of the Russian Federation which has been let to bail of the intellectual property
of limited society "Patent"".
4.4.2. The instruction "
About the order of issue, maintenance, the circulation, the account, settlement
of greenhouse bills of limited society "Patent" in branch of a protected
ground and the allied industries of the Russian Federation which has been let
to bail of the intellectual property of limited society "Patent"".
4.4.3. The decree of administration of area " About introduction in the field
of the circulation of greenhouse bills of limited society "Patent"".
4.4.4. Circuits of application of the uniform greenhouse bill for financing state
needs under programs of greenhouse combines.
4.4.5. General issue terms and
circulations state and intellectual certificates.
4.4.6. General issue terms
and circulations intellectual the public bond.
4.4.7. The order of the Central
bank of the Russian Federation "About the assertion of the provision about
service of state intellectual certificates (SIC), in connection with acceptance
of the decree of Government of the Russian Federation "About creation of
Intellectual Investment greenhouse bank of Russia"".
4.4.8. The
order of the Central bank of the Russian Federation "About the assertion
of the provision about service of state intellectual bonds (SIB), in connection
with acceptance of the decree of Government of the Russian Federation "About
creation of Intellectual Investment greenhouse bank of Russia"".
The parcel of circuits of financing of branch of a protected ground of Russia
through Open Society "InvestTepBank":
Organizational the block diagram of interaction of sponsoring organizations, developers
of technologies, organizations - manufacturers and the organizations granting
special services.
4.5.2. The circuit of a license umbrel for highly effective
operation of the financial credit in greenhouse combine of branch of a protected
ground of Russia.
4.5.3. The parcel of license agreements by the way a license
umbrel for highly effective operation of the financial credit in greenhouse combine
of branch of a protected ground of Russia.
4.5.4. The credit license-bill
circuit of financing of greenhouse combine of limited society "Patent".
4.5.5 The circuit of target financing greenhouse combine by the example of the
Kemerovo area in percentage of volumes of the entering centralized credit.
4.5.6. The circuit of target financing manufacture and realization of production
and branch of a protected ground of Russia by the example of the Kemerovo area.
4.5.7. The general agreement on mutually advantageous cooperation with the purposes
of financing leasing under the credit license-bill circuit of manufacture and
realization of production in branch of a protected ground of Russia.
The circuit of license-bill financing through sharing of the intellectual property
in authorized, the capital of Open Society "Barkol-patent ".
The circuit license-bill financings of construction of a greenhouse "The
Gardens of Semiramide" on a roof of shop of aluminium designs.
The organizational - structural pattern of work of intellectual investment greenhouse
bank of Russia (IIGBR).
4.5.11. The circuit of financing of branch òåïëèöåñòðîåíèÿ
through issue of state certificates on the sum of the intellectual property.
4.5.12. Results of work of circuit KRITR and "Variant of target financing,
in % ah from volumes of the entering centralized credit".
4.5.13. The
circuit of joint ëèöåíçèîííî-returnable leasing on manufacturing separate kinds
of equipment and a serial production of separate details æàëþçèéíîãî the narrow-band
screen (a total cost of costs of 500 thousand roubles) at factory spare parts
Krasnodar for the further assembly on Open Society "Barkol-patent ".
4.5.14. The circuit of a ëèöåíçèîííî-financial leasing on equipment of Open Society
"Barkol-patent " by the equipment for manufacturing profile details
of metal constructions of greenhouses such as T-100À.
4.5.15. The circuit
of full service ëèöåíçèîííî-financial leasing on equipment of greenhouse combine
of Open Society "Barkol-patent " by the engineering equipment.
The circuit of the direct ëèöåíçèîííî-leasing bargain of limited society "Patent"
at equipment of greenhouse combine by intensive technology.
4.5.17. Issue
and settlement State intellectual bonds. General variant.
4.5.18. Issue and
settlement of State intellectual bonds. Target variant.
The creation of industrial - financial group
prospect of "InvestTepBank" is a merger intellectual, industrial and
a banking capital by creation of branch venture-intellectual-industrial-financial
group VIIFG "Patent" incorporating firm on examination of financial
circumstances of the credit enterprises and examination of the bank credit of
limited society "The Expert Bank ".
Branch competition on the investment credit
realization of the next stage of investment activity in the form from financing
intensive technologies on the sum 1,0 billion roubles "InvestTepBank"
1. In December, 2001 through association "The greenhouses of the
Future Russia" to conduct competitive selection of five greenhouse combines,
from among members of Association "The greenhouses of the Future Russia",
applicants for receiving of the investment credit by a total sum 1,0 billion,
roubles. The loan value for one greenhouse combine - the winner of competition
constitutes 200,0 million roubles.
2. To create and affirm a competitive commission
from structure of representatives of shareholders of Bank.
3. To constitute
the list of greenhouse combines for preliminary selection of applicants for sharing
in competition on the basis of business - plans for an introduction of a complex
of intensive technologies for the areas not less than 6 ãà and reports of auditor
check of greenhouse combine.
4. In a complex of innovate technologies to
- innovate technology of financing of greenhouse combine on the basis
of the credit license-bill pattern;
- innovate technology of cultivation of
seedling, adult culture by a method of multinarrowing narrowshelving hydroponics,
innovate technology of energy-saving on the basis of a technique of economic complementation
of energy-saving and energy-consuming organizations, in particular, greenhouse-vegetable
- innovate technology of construction on the basis of the combined
reconstruction and new permanent construction without a breeding from a revolution
of capacities.
5. To affirm the list of applicants for sharing in competition
and to publish in the information collection "The greenhouses of the Future
6. To offer for sharing in a final stage of competition, 10
greenhouse combines - applicants for the investment credit.
7. To define a
toss-up of five competitive fallow which affirm a competitive commission and "The
greenhouses of the Future Russia" are published in the information collection.
8. To define on the basis of the presented documents five winners of investment
9. The list of winners of competition to publish in the information
collection "The greenhouses of the Future Russia".
10. To conduct
stage-by-stage (according to the business - plan) financing of reconstruction
and new construction of five objects of branch.
11. To conduct return of the
credit on the basis of increase in the taxable base at the expense of an introduction
of innovate technologies.
The investors of bank
combines, the enterprises, manufacturing plants, banks, legal and natural persons.
you were interested with the given information, we can grant you more detailed
issuings on this theme.