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The Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market of branch of a protected ground

Vadim P. Sharupich., Dr. of Sci., academician of Moskow Academy of Economy, the director of RPI "Gradoagroecoprom"

The contents:

The summary
1. General remarks
2. An organizational - structural model of the Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market of branch of a protected ground
3. Criteria of a market opinion
4. The mechanism of activity of the market
5. Volumes of the market

The Summary

The intervention of foreign firms on the greenhouse market of Russia hinders an introduction in branch of greenhouses of the new generations providing a high level of energy-saving and an intensification of production process.
In this connection RPI "Gradoagroecoprom" measures on maintenance of an introduction in branch of new kinds of energy-saving, intensive, non-polluting safe without waste technologies of cultivation of vegetable production, the engineering systems, protecting designs, financial, legal and personnel technologies are developed by creation in country of the corresponding mechanism of fast advertising and realization through a wholesale market which provides realization of federal, regional and individual programs.

1. General Remarks

The creation of the Russian wholesale market, in particular, the engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market of branch of a protected ground, is dictated by a number of the reasons, basic of which the impossibility of the organized introduction in branch of a greenhouse vegetable raising of Russia of domestic greenhouses of the new generations providing energy-saving and an intensification of production of process, existing greenhouses superior orders is.
Attempts of a unorganized introduction of new greenhouses have encountered, on the one hand, misunderstanding of novelty for the lack of experience, knowledge and advertising, on the other hand, on a competition with western and domestic-owned firms.
It, as a matter of fact, is similar to the same fact, as with vegetable production in a vernal period when vegetable growers of greenhouse combines of Russia suffer from external deliveries. During the present moment because of vacuum of domestic market relations in the field of technological, engineering, financial - power, economic, sociological, legal and personnel maintenance of greenhouse manufacture, there were western markets on separate greenhouse combines of Russia.
At such statement of a question to the domestic developer and the manufacturer of new types of seeds, technologies of cultivation, energy-saving, legal and personnel maintenance, engineering systems and protecting designs do not give to become independent. In result in Russia "red" assembly of the Dutch and other greenhouse systems and metal construction has appeared. The construction of Maloyaroslavec factory and manufacture of park of greenhouses under projects of Holland conducts to backlog of domestic branch of a sheltered ground on 40-50 years.
In what the mechanism of the western market? It is a material interest of subjects of the market, namely, the consumer, the manufacturer and the seller. And especially the seller. The system of dealers and distributors has fast subdued our immense spaces.
In 1991 year
Limited Society"Patent" has made attempt to solve the problem of realizations of the newest technologies, the engineering systems, protecting designs, the staff and powers on the basis of license agreements.
The question has received positive development in 1991-1993 of, but in 1994 year necessity of creation of the ordered market connections for branch of a sheltered ground of Russia has become obvious.
Taking into account a developed conjuncture and international experience of sharing of the foreign companies and firms in deliveries of seeds, fertilizers, technologies, the engineering systems, protecting designs, new knowledge in the field of a sheltered ground on the domestic greenhouse market, it is offered to establish state procedural process of these deliveries and sales in Russia.
In connection with above-stated, RPI "Gradoagroecoprom" the Russian wholesale greenhouse market including as constituting is developed:

  • The personnel market;
  • The legal market;
  • The financial - power market;
  • The sociological market;
  • The building market;
  • The market of intensive technologies;
  • The market of engineering designs;
  • The market of protecting designs;

The markets are connected by the technological circuit.
Basic element of the Russian wholesale greenhouse market is the regional engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market of branch of a sheltered ground..

2. An organizational - structural model of the Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market of branch of a protected ground

The engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market of branch represents the hierarchical structure headed by Limited Society " Patent " (fig. 1). Main characters are::

  • Limited Society "Patent",
  • The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom" (the central wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market);
  • The regional wholesale engineering - technological markets (base greenhouse combines), combined with the regional educational, personnel, legal, financial, power centres.

Figure 1. The organizational - structural pattern of the Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market

The geography of the Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market is designed in such a manner that in regular intervals closes all regions of country (fig. 2).

Figure 2. The circuit of disposition of the wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market of branch of a sheltered ground on territory of Russia

OREL - Limited Society "Patent" - the Central engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market
OREL - Institute "Gradoagroecoprom" - the Head engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market
Other cities on the circuit - the Regional engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel markets
Main part of the engineering - technological market of branch of a sheltered ground is the central Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market which has the license for realization of production under patents and a complete set of the information on manufacture and consumption of the engineering - technological production, allowing to organize torrents of production (fig. 3).

Figure 3. The organizational - structural pattern of the Central Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market

Services of the central Russian market realize a managing and directing role in activity of divisions of the head regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market, regional wholesale markets and the foreign firms working in the Russian greenhouse market.
The central Russian wholesale engineering - technological market represents the hierarchical structure headed by Limited Society "Patent" through the head regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market on behalf of research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
To the central Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market are directly subordinated: the head regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market disposed in RPI "Gradoagroecoprom"; 10 regional wholesale engineering - technological markets which are geographically combined with the regional educational centres; the foreign firms working in the Russian greenhouse market.
The head regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market has research and design departments, is equipped with special range, has superelite experts on all directions of work of branch of the sheltered ground, allowing to conduct active work on reconstruction, creation and an introduction of new generations of greenhouses.
Departments and laboratories of the head regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market realize a management of divisions and experts of regional wholesale markets, conduct independent works on development, manufacturing, delivery and delivery in operation of advanced achievements in the field of technology, the engineering equipment and protecting designs in the branch of greenhouse building and allied industries.
The organizational - structural pattern of a head regional wholesale market is indicated on fig. 4.

Figure 4. The organizational - structural pattern of the Head Regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market

The head regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market is connected to 10 regional wholesale engineering - technological markets, manufacturing plants, organizations - developers of new production, foreign firms of Europe, Asia, America.
The regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market for reconstruction and new construction of technologies, engineering systems and protecting designs has the corresponding regional arrangement, necessary parameters, motivation to an introduction of the Russian technologies, engineering systems and the protecting designs, necessary capacity of region on the area of greenhouse park, is equipped with the newest technologies, the equipment and protecting designs on a direction of work in the given region, has class experts on service and demonstrations of advanced achievements in the field of reconstruction and new construction.
Chiefs and experts of a regional wholesale market together with developers, realize installation, start in operation and operational development, together with manufacturing plants, new samples of technology, the engineering equipment and protecting designs, advertising and realization in region.

3. Criteria of a market opinion

The Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market has 16 subjects, including::

  • Limited Society "Patent" (the central Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market); ;
  • Regional wholesale markets (base greenhouse combines);
  • Manufacturing plants of Russia and the CIS;
  • Foreign firms of Europe, Asia, America.

As criterion of an estimation of the Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market are accepted:

  • volume of the reconstructed park of greenhouses, Vrp;
  • colume of park of greenhouses of new construction, Vnc;
  • cost of reconstruction of 1 ha of greenhouses, Crg;
  • cost of new construction of 1 ha of greenhouses of new generations, Cng;

As criteria of an estimation (choice) of regional wholesale markets are accepted:

  • regional arrangement (1);
  • economic parameters (2);
  • motivation to an introduction of the Russian technologies, engineering systems and protecting designs (3);
  • Capacity of region on the area of greenhouse park (4).

The special attention at organization of a regional wholesale market is given 2-nd and to 3-rd to criteria, i.e. economic parameters and desire to introduce the Russian technological and engineering decisions.
The capacity of region of the South and Average strip of Russia is defined by size within the limits of 500-1000 hagreenhouses, depending on concentration of greenhouses, their type and a climatic zone. For regions of the North and Far North this size strikes root on the basis of concrete accounts.
The size of the second criterion is reduced to intensity ïðîäóêöèîííîãî process and average wages.
Thus productivity on tomatoes strikes root within the limits of 30-35 kg / sq. m., on cucumbers - 35-40 kg / sq.m. A level of average wages - 7-12 thousand roubles.
Thus, it is possible to consider, that the tool êðèòåðèàëüíîãî a choice of a regional wholesale market is determined.
Taking into account, that market relations practically always represent "know-how", in the given work with a possible degree of a correctness offered decisions are stated.

The mechanism of activity of the market

The central Russian wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel market (Limited Society "Patent") together with a head regional wholesale market (RPI "Gradoagroecoprom") develops a complex of federal programs under reconstruction of greenhouses and construction of greenhouses of new generations.
As agreed with the regional wholesale engineering - technological markets and manufacturing plants times and scopes of supply and realizations of trial samples and basic production are defined.
Financial volumes of contributions of the markets, manufacturing plants, foreign firms in research and development and advertising programs are stipulated by special agreements.
Training of the staff in the regional wholesale engineering - technological, building, financial - power, legal, sociological and personnel markets is made for work at the Russian head educational centre under special programs.

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