research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
on behalf of "The lighting centre" executes for organizations and private
persons: Development
of maintaincee requests presented to the lighting equipment in transparent and
light-tight greenhouses, vegetable hypermarkets, intellectual houses, "the
centres of Immortality": - Technological; - Lightphisiological; -
Lightpower; - Compatibility of the equipment and biological object (a plant,
animal, the person); - Safety; - Ecological; - Technological;
of different energysaving technologies of a propagation for different phylums
of the lighting equipment with allowance for a spectral distribution, duration
and an orientation of light fluxes (the combined schemes of formation of coenosises
of plants and dispositions of the lighting equipment);
of suitability of the lighting equipment used for cultivation of seedling, adult
crop on conditions of an intensification of productional process, an energy-saving
and correspondence to maintaince requests;
of designs of reconstruction, remodelling, modernisation and new construction
of systems of lighting on greenhouse combines, vegetable hypermarkets, intellectual
houses, "the centres of Immortality";
a choice of the lighting equipment for customers;
of the lighting equipment for manufacturing plants;
of the automized kits of the lighting equipment for a propagation in greenhouses,
vegetable hypermarkets, intellectual houses, "the centres of Immortality"
in structure of louver narrowshelving shields, installations of an irradiating
of plants and automatic-control systems);
of schemes of an energy-saving at operation of schemes of the lighting equipment
(a mode the day - night, keeping up temporary and orientation systems, a method
of a light wedge and the light well);
of accounts of a radiant mode of construction sites, greenhouses, vegetable hypermarkets,
intellectual houses, "the centres of Immortality"
of the lighting equipment under the design of the customer;
of equipment on a construction site;
installation, commissioning and start of object in operation;
of maintained object.