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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
on behalf of "The centre of strategic development" performs:

  • Development of the technological (technical) constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Development of the technical laws (FTP) in turn consisting of technical laws on a corrections to of the technical constitution of the Russian Federation, FCL, FL;
  • Other normative technical certificates{acts} of chambers of Technical Collection of the Russian Federation;
  • Normative technical acts of the Technical President of the Russian Federation;
  • Normative technical acts of Technical Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Normative technical acts of the branch technical ministries, agencies, services and other federal technical authorities of the executive authority;
  • Solutions of Technical Court of the Russian Federation and explanation of the Technical Constitution of the Russian Federation and about correspondence to it of all other normative technical legal acts;
  • Mechanisms of formation of political independence and economic safety of the Russian Federation in structure of the World Trade Organization;
  • Development of methods of forecasting of development of public attitudes in range of consciousness, by mathematically
    Considered times of approach of datas of attitudes and their legal settlement;
  • Forecasting and lead angle of development of attitudes by building data banks, designs of the solution, breadboard models of development types;
  • Study of a panel of the attitudes exhibited to 100-200 years with the purpose of removal of agitations, vacillatings of social temperature;
  • Development of a target vector of resistant legal development of the Russian Federation;
  • Development of the strategy of development of the state and the right, mechanisms of formation of a profitable part of the budget and FTP of the Russian Federation;
  • Development of the mechanism of long-term prediction of legal development of locale and the state;
  • Definition of perspectives of locale on dynamics of development of all kinds of branches, including social and technical;
  • Definition of perspectives on dynamics of development of intellectual property of locale;
  • Building of programs on stabilization for each locale by the analysis and forecasting of intellectual property;
  • Development of the strategy of restoration of locale up to the necessary physical condition;
  • Building of norms of legal relations in the future in physical branches of a national economy of the state;
  • Building of norms of legal regulations of economic processes of the future;
  • Building of techniques on protection of researches, copyright certificates, patents, directed on the future legal regulations;
  • Building of legal base for íåäîïóùåíèÿ out flux from Russia an intellectual resource of country;
  • Thorough revision of long-range proceedings and know-how in rules of law and public attitudes, through lists of knowledge.


302001, Russian Federation, Orel, board service 73
Tel. (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48, (4862) 74-71-10
Fax (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48
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