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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
on behalf of "Center of maintenance by disposable self-supporting intellectual housing accommodation of needy layers of the population":

  • building of collective of the future tenants of the condominium (inhabited intellectual self-supporting house);
  • selection of experts and organizations for designing, deliveries of materials and the equipment, construction and operation of the condominium;
  • registration of the parcel of agreements on financing object with use of programs "Slavic roots", "Social development of village up to 2010" and the bank credit;
  • registration of the parcel of agreements under the credit repayment, the condominium taken on construction;
  • registration of pullet experts (the future tenants) on work on designing, construction and operation of the condominium;
  • post-graduate improvement of professional skill of the future tenants, wishing direct sharing in designing, construction and operation of the condominium;
  • designing of the condominium with engaging the future tenants;
  • construction of the condominium with probable engaging the future tenants;
  • connection of the condominium to engineering nets and communications of a settlement;
  • selection, education of experts and registration of maintaining organization of the condominium;
  • acceptance for building and assembly organizations of the condominium and its drive under the acceptance report to collective of tenants (maintaining organization) in operation;
  • rendering of assistance of a logistics of the condominium by an industrial and technological production, operational materials, a means of mechanization and automation of productions, organizations and operation of objects;
  • maintenance of tenants of the condominium by high-performance Russian technologies of hothouse manufacture;
  • building of effective, competitive non-polluting manufacture of safe vegetable production;
    rendering of assistance to tenants of the condominium in building wholesale and firm trade;
  • propagation of quality of life and production (alive nutrition and alive air) tenants of the condominium and strengthening of reputation of residing in dwellings - condominium of the given type;
  • measures on improvement of professional skill of experts and tenants of the condominium.



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