research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom" on
behalf of "The innovative centre" realizes for organizations and private
persons: - Development
of the Federal out-of-season food programme of bases of health and longevity of
the nation;
- Fundamental
developments on a biological diversity of plants in a sheltered ground and to
its value for biological development of the Earth;
- Simulation
of radiatively - temperature conditions of the Earth in a wide direction for building
optimum constructive and productional models êóëüòèâàöèîííûõ the structures most
full adequate the savings of power resources and maintenance by food stuffs of
- Development
of innovative technologies for an aftertreatment of areas of cities from the point
of view of ecology, manufacture of superpure vegetable production and interplanetary
outer-space flights;
- System
engineering of regulation of a gaseous medium of residential units and offices
"Green lungs of buildings" with simultaneous manufacture of vegetable
- Control
engineering in parameters of a controlled environment of greenhouses and buildings;.
- Development
of global system of the greenhouse vegetable raising providing an energy-saving,
ecological purity and maximum efficiency of coenosises, as uniform greenhouse
mechanism of the Earth;
Development of global energy-productional and climatological model, and particular
in Russia;
- Development
of global system of bioengineering probes in range of greenhouseconstruction and
a gene pool of greenhouse plants;
- Development
of the scientific - commercial package of mechanic-productional and optic-power
models of the modern and perspectiv supergreenhouses for intense manufacture of
non-polluting vegetable production;
- Works
on a problem of absolute programming crops in light of the modern genetics and
- Development
of productive-climate models of seeds of grades crops for manufacture of vegetable
production in cultivation structures of eleven economic regions of Russia;
- Development
of in essence new kinds non-polluting energysaving greenhouse technologies: -
- greenhouse complexes on a near-earth orbit, using solar energy (greenhouses
of 5-th generation such as "The Garden of Earthmen");
- greenhouses
on the basis of pluristratal narrowshelving hydroponics with term of self-repayment
within half-year; - greenhouses for wasteless industry of agricultural production
in the locales of the Russian Federation subject to natural disasters; - greenhouses
for wasteless industry of agricultural production in locales of the Russian Federation
with extreme climatic conditions (The Far North, The Far East, Siberia); -
multistory supergreenhouses (Hypermarkets) for wasteless industry of agricultural
production in urban conditions; - greenhouses for the combined manufacture
of vegetables, berries, colours, fishes, fur-bearing animals, a bird; - automized
narrowshelving hydroponic installations for intense cultivation of agricultural
plants in dwelling units, auxiliary rooms and on private plots; - the multilevel
automized units for hydroponic systems; - withoutmercury irradiation growers
of plants in greenhouses; - automized louver narrow-band shields for greenhouses;
- special narrow-spectral luminous sources for an irradiating of separate phylums
of plants; - The
economic substantiation of efficacyy of application of innovative technologies
(business-plans, economic-legal substantiations);
- Execution
of the contract of sale and purchase of the license for the right of use of innovative
technology of hothouse production;
- Rendering
of assistance of a logistics of the master of the license for the right of use
of innovative technology an industrial and technological production, maintainse
materials, a means of mechanization and automation of productions, organizations
and operation of objects;
- Maintenance
of the master of the license for the right of use of innovative technology high-performance
Russian technologies of hothouse manufacture;
- Rendering
of assistance to the master of the license for the right of use of innovative
technology in building physical objects of an industrial use.