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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"

on behalf of "The Centre of vegetable hypermarkets" realizes for for organizations and private persons:

  • The economic substantiation of efficacyy of construction of vegetable hypermarkets (business - plans, economic - legal substantiations);
  • Execution of the contract of sale and purchase of the license for the right of use of technology of hothouse production in a vegetable hypermarket;
  • Registration of the parcel of agreements on financing object with use of the credit or a finance lease;
  • Registration of the parcel of agreements under the credit repayment, taken on construction;
  • Designing of a vegetable hypermarket;
  • Construction of a vegetable hypermarket;
  • Connection of a vegetable hypermarket to engineering nets and communications of a human settlement;
  • Selection, education of experts and registration of maintaining organization of a vegetable hypermarket;
  • Acceptance for building and assembly organizations of a vegetable hypermarket and its drive under the acceptance report to the master (maintaining organization) in operation;
  • Rendering of assistance of a logistics of a vegetable hypermarket by an industrial goods, maintaining materials, mechanical aids and automation of productions, organization and operation of objects;
  • Maintenance of the proprietor of a vegetable hypermarket by high-performance Russian technologies of hothouse manufacture;
  • Building of effective, competitive non-polluting manufacture of safe vegetable production;
  • Rendering of assistance to the proprietor of a vegetable hypermarket in building wholesale and firm trade;
  • Propagation of a product quality (alive vegetable protein) a vegetable hypermarket and strengthening of reputation of the proprietor of a vegetable hypermarket;
  • Measures on improvement of professional skill of experts of a vegetable hypermarket.

The vegetable hypermarket is not only self-repayment in the shortest times, but also a possibility to help native to city "alive" air, non-polluting products and to decorate with its period modern building.


302001, Russian Federation, Orel, board service 73
Tel. (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48, (4862) 74-71-10
Fax (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48
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