research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"
executes for organizations and private persons in range of building of generic
farms and ecosettlements:
of legal business plans (LBP), economic-legal substantiations (ELS);. -
of a financial instrument of investments in construction and steering of social
processes in ecosettlements; -
of a profitable part of the budget and purpose-oriented programme of resistant
development of ecosettler, living in generic a manor; -
of a profitable part of the budget and family purpose-oriented programme of resistant
development of the family living in generic manor in ecosettlent; -
of purpose-oriented programmes of resistant development of a generic manor; - Development
of purpose-oriented programmes of resistant development of ecosettlements;
of Federal and regional purpose-oriented programmes "Formation of a profitable
part of the budget "Ecosettlements of Russia "; -
of construction sites, development of master plans and landscape lay-out; - Development
of technologies of ecological cultivation, construction, an energy-saving and
residing in ecosettlement;
- Education
at faculties of Institute of ecosettlements. Preparation and retraining of experts
in range of building and development of ecosettlements;
- Legal
regulation of activity, the bound with questions of building of generic estates
and ecosettlements in terrain of the Russian Federation;
- Development
of designs of self-supporting generic estates, settlements;
- Development
of designs of an infrastructure of ecosettlements;
- Organization
and provision of ecosettlements;
- Manufacturing,
delivery of materials and the equipment according to high-performance Russian
technologies of non-polluting manufacture;
- Rendering
of assistance of a logistics to inhabitants of ecosettlements an industrial goods,
maintaining materials, non-polluting mechanical aids and automation of productions,
organization and operation of objects;
of assistance to inhabitants of ecosettlements in building wholesale and firm
trade; -
of a product quality (alive vegetable protein) of ecosettlements. |