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The research and project institute "Gradoagroecoprom"

On behalf of "The Automobile centre" realizes for organizations and private persons:

  • the economic substantiation of a production efficiency, reconstruction, remodelling of automobiles (business - plans, economic - legal substantiations);
  • execution of the contract of sale and purchase of the license for the right of use technologies (know-how) on component parts, units and designs of motor transport;
  • registration of the parcel of agreements on financing object with use of the credit or a finance lease;
  • registration of the parcel of agreements under the credit repayment;
  • designing of component parts, units;
  • manufacture, reconstruction, remodelling of component parts and units;
  • probes in range of technique, economy and the law;
  • selection, education of experts on designing, operation and repair of motor transport;
  • rendering of services on survey of vehicles, drive of a vehicle under the acceptance report to the customer (maintaining organization) in operation;
  • rendering of assistance of a logistics by an industrial goods, maintain materials, mechanical aids and automation of productions, organization and operation of objects;
  • maintenance of the proprietor of a vehicle by high-performance technologies of service and operation;
  • building of effective, competitive, non-polluting, safe vehicles;
  • Rendering of assistance to the proprietor in realization of high-performance operation of a vehicle;
  • Propagation of quality of safe high-performance, non-polluting vehicles and strengthening of reputation of their proprietors;
  • Advanced training of experts in range of a supply and maintenance support of vehicles.

The modern car is not only means of transportation, but also self-repayment in the shortest times, a possibility to help yourself, your family, youre native city an "alive" vehicle, not cloging air ecologically harmful products, studing with its beautiful modern prompt kind.


302001, Russian Federation, Orel, board service 73
Tel. (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48, (4862) 74-71-10
Fax (4862) 45-17-21, (4862) 45-19-48
E-mail: patent@valley.ru, sharupich@orel.ru, patent48@mail.ru

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